Affiliate account

In this article:

What is an affiliate?

Create an account

Fill out an application

Sharing links and earning commissions

Getting payouts

What is an affiliate?

An affiliate is someone who's permitted to promote and sell products in exchange for a commission on each sale.

You can use a store account to apply to become an affiliate or you may be given a direct link to apply for the program. If the store has an Affiliate program available and you have a store account, you'll see it listed in the My account menu.

You'll first apply to join the program. After that, you can share unique product links. If purchases are made from traffic you send through those links, you'll earn commissions!

Please know that not all stores will have an Affiliate program.

Create an account

To create an account you'll click on the small person icon in the upper right corner, next to the shopping cart.

You'll enter your email address and press the sign-up button! This process is password-free which means that you'll be able to get signed into the account without creating or entering a password.

Note: You'll need to use the same IP Address when requesting your magic link and opening it by email. If you see an error message when opening the link by email, please request a new magic link.

You'll go to your email inbox to find the email sent and press the Sign in button.

Fill out an application

To join a store's Affiliate program, you'll need to apply. After filling out your information, you can send your application in for review.

If you're approved, you can start selling and earn commissions!

In your new account, please go to Products, under Affiliate program. There you'll see which products you can earn commissions on.

The commission amount may vary per product and it may only be for select products.

To earn commissions, you'll need to share the product link. You can copy the link easily, by using the link icon on the right side.

Share these links with potential customers. If purchases are made, then you'll start accruing commissions, for a payout!

Getting payouts

Payouts are only done through PayPal. You'll add your PayPal email address for receiving payouts in Settings.

Payouts are done monthly, but only if you've made commissions and the amount meets the minimum required. To avoid payments of small amounts, it's typical that a certain amount of commissions are required to receive a payment. To see the minimum required for payout and any accrued commissions, please go to Payouts.

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