Buyer account

In this article:

Create an account

Account benefits

I don't see the account option

Create an account

To create an account you'll click on the small person icon in the upper right corner, next to the shopping cart.

You'll enter your email address and press the sign-up button! This process is password-free which means that you'll be able to get signed into the account without creating or entering a password.

Note: You'll need to use the same IP Address when requesting your magic link and opening it by email. If you see an error message when opening the link by email, please request a new magic link.

You'll go to your email inbox to find the email sent and press the Sign in button.

Account benefits

Having an account comes with a lot of benefits! You can easily access your:

  • Orders and order history
  • Subscriptions
  • Email notification settings
  • Saved shipping address

If the store offers an Affiliate program, then you can also apply to join! Read more here.

I don't see the account option

It's possible that you may not see the option to create an account. This means that the store you're shopping at has not enabled buyer accounts.

We'd recommend asking the store if it's something they'd be willing to offer!

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