Print on demand Embroidery

In this article:

What is embroidered merchandise?

What does it look like?

What products can be embroidered?

Practices we recommend

Use large and simple fonts

Use solid colors

Practices to avoid 

Don't use small or fine print

Don't use photographic images


What is embroidered merchandise?

Embroidered merchandise can be any item of clothing that has a stitched design. We'll take your print or text, and transform it into a threaded pattern.

Rather than having a graphic printed on your clothing with ink, we'll apply your graphic or text through stitched embroidery. This means that your text, design, and colors will all be applied as thread and stitches!

What does it look like?

When you submit a design to be digitized or transformed into embroidery, it will be manually assessed for the best match of thread type, stitch type, and pattern. Once the file is digitized, it can then be applied to your selected fabric item.

What products can be embroidered?

Embroidery can be applied to many of our fabric products, such as:

  • T-shirts
  • Sweatshirts
  • Bags
  • Hats
  • Socks
  • Apron
  • Fanny pack
  • Backpack

Practices we recommend

It's essential to follow our guidelines to create a quality embroidered product. The design will need to be changed into the available thread colors and will alternate between different stitch types and patterns to recreate the design you've submitted.

Your design will need to meet our minimum thickness for font and shapes of 0.05” (1.3 mm). But, there is no maximum thickness for shapes.

Use large and simple fonts

For the best result, we recommend using large font sizes and using simple font styles.

  • Recommended fonts are simple, like our Lato, Noto Sans JP, Roboto, Poppins, and others. But, we do not recommend the font Courier, for example.
  • Recommend font size is 36pt or larger. Our minimum thickness of 0.25'' is equivalent to approximately 36pt, but this depends on the font.

Use solid colors

We can only embroider solid shapes and colors. For example, gradients won’t work because we can’t transition from one color thread to another.

 If you have a graphic that has a pattern or gradients, you'll need to convert them to separate solid colors.

Practices to avoid

If designs don't follow our recommended guidelines, they may turn out poorly. So, it's important to avoid certain practices like using small print and submitting photographic images.

For example, if the text is too small or too detailed, you won't be able to make out what it says. The same will apply to any distressed text or patterns, we don't recommend this.

For graphics, it's key to limit the number of colors used and to use solid colors. So, photographic images don't work well. But, you can see below how you could create an acceptable graphic from a photographic image.

Don't use small or fine print

Avoid using very small letters because the embroidered text might not be legible. Keep the text at least 0.25'' in height and at least 0.05'' thick. This is usually 36pt or larger.

Don't use photographic images 

It’s not possible to embroider photographic images as they are. Photographic images have to be recreated to include solid shapes and colors.

Here is an example of a photograph recreated for embroidery.


Q. What if my design doesn't turn out well?

A. Someone will check over your design after it's been digitized. If there are any concerns, we'll send you an email with a copy of your digitized design and offer some advice on how to correct things!

Q. What are the different stitch types used?

A.  We use satin stitch for shapes that are from 0.05” (1.3 mm) to 0.5” (12.5 mm) thick and tatami stitch for shapes thicker than 0.5” (12.5 mm).

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