Twitter Ads

In this article:

Twitter Ads conversion tracking for websites

How to set up Twitter Ads

Twitter Ads conversion tracking for websites

Conversion tracking for websites enables you to measure your return on investment (ROI) by tracking the actions users take after viewing or engaging with your ads on Twitter. 

Twitter’s conversion tracking lets you attribute conversions beyond last link click, to include actions driven by all types of ad engagements (like link clicks, Retweets, or likes) and impressions.

We support the Universal Website Tag which simplifies the tagging process so you can deploy one tag across all funnel stages of your site, with a simple parameter passed into the tag to signify the type of conversion you want to track.

How to set up Twitter Ads

To set up Twitter Ads, you first need to identify the conversion events you would like to track. Here are some examples of a conversion event:

  • A home page visit 
  • A purchase
  • A white paper download
  • An email newsletter signup 

Once you know what type of event you want to track, you can set up your campaign(s). To do so:

  1. Go to the Twitter Ads UI  
  2. Log in to your Ads account
  3. Click View code and installation instructions
  4. Within the code snippet, copy your pixel ID from the line that resembles “twq(‘init’,‘twitter_pixel_id’);" Your pixel ID will be unique to your Ads account and not "nuqtg" as shown in the screenshot.
  5. Log in to your Sellfy account 
  6. Go to Apps Twitter Ads   
  7. Paste the ID into the Pixel ID box and click Save

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