What languages does Sellfy support?

In this article:

Dashboard language options

Store language options

How to change your store language

What exactly changes in your store

Where manual changes are required

What your customers will see

Dashboard language options

You can choose to have your Dashboard displayed in either English or Spanish. 

To change the Dashboard language, go to Account Settings > select English or Spanish from the dropdown. The green banner confirms your language settings.

Store language options

Make your store more accessible to your local audience by changing the store language. Choose from 7 language options or set it to Automatic to change the language based on your customers' browser preferences.

Note: Changes apply to your store and purchase emails ONLY. This will not change the language in your account dashboard.

We currently offer 8 language options: 

  • Automatic (your store language will be changed based on customer preferences. If a translation isn't possible, English will be displayed.)
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese 
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Russian

How to change your store language

The default is set to English for all stores. 

Here's how you can change your store language: 

  1. Go to Store settings > scroll to Language settings
  2. Click the drop-down > select a language from the menu
  3. The green top banner signifies that the changes were saved succesfully

Please be aware that not all texts are translated automatically. Some of your store information, such as Store pages and Product categories, has to be changed manually. Please refer to the sections below for more details and instructions.

What exactly changes in your store

Changes will apply to all built-in texts set by Sellfy, such as:

  • Buy Now, Download Now button texts
  • The Subscribe to my newsletter block
  • Purchase email template texts
  • The store checkout page texts (the steps in PayPal/Stripe checkout may or may not be translated because it is set by PayPal/Stripe.)

Where manual changes are required

You’ll need to manually change all texts that you've entered because the store language feature won't translate them. 

For example, you'll need to change:

  • Store page titles, like About, Contact, or Terms (Store customizer > Custom pages > select the page > Page title > Publish)
  • Product categories (change these in Store settings > Product categories)
  • Purchase email content (change in Store settings > Email settings)
  • Marketing emails (Marketing > Email marketing)
  • Your store title and headline (change this in Store customizer Home page > Hero block)
  • Product titles and descriptions

What your customers will see

If necessary, your customers will be able to change the language they see in store view.

When a customer changes the language in store view, it will:

  • Display the selected language only to that customer, it will not change your default store language
  • Send the purchase email in the customer's selected language

For example, if your store default language is set to Spanish, but the customer selects English from the drop-down to view your store, they will see your store in English and their purchase email will also be in English.

In-store view, the drop-down menu for language selection is located at the bottom of the store page, next to social media icons. (see image below)

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