How to use Sellfy's Mobile App
In this article:
Where can I get the Sellfy app?
What information is available in the app?
What notifications do I get with the app?
Where can I get the Sellfy App?
The Sellfy app officially launched in February 2020 and is available in the App Store for iOS devices, and in Google Play for Android devices.
Once you have downloaded the app to your device, log in to your Sellfy account using your Sellfy account email and password.
What information is available in the app?
Once you have logged in to your Sellfy account, you can use the app to view the following information:
- Overview of your sales data
- Sales analytics
- Order history
You can switch between the Dashboard, Analytics, and Orders by using the sticky menu at the bottom.
To go to your account settings and edit notifications, click Settings on the far right of the menu.
Revenue - the dashboard page gives you an overview of your store's revenue in a graph. You can choose to view your revenue data for the last 7 days, or for the last 30 days.
Overview - below the revenue graph, you'll be able to see the Revenue, Visits, Sales, and Conversion Rate data for the current day (Today), the Last 7 Days and the Last 30 days.
The Analytics page of the app will present your Revenue, Sales, Visits, and Conversion Rate data in a graph. To see the detailed statistics of the graph, move your finger along the graph on your screen.
Revenue - shows the total revenue generated during a certain period of time. The total number includes tax and transaction fees.
Sales - displays the amount of placed orders in a certain period. If a customer purchased 4 products in a single transaction, it will be shown as 1 sale.
Visits - we track store visits as unique visits and don't track product views as a separate visit. Each visitor registers as a single visit.
Conversation Rate - the percentage of how many store visits resulted in actual purchases.
The graph enables you to spot significant increases or decreases in any of the data over a certain day, week or period. You can use the calendar to change the date range to any desired timeframe.
The Orders section contains a list of the last 20 orders placed in your store, starting with the most recent. Use the search function at the top to locate specific orders.
Access order details such as the shipping address and other information by clicking on an order. You can mark orders "shipped" via the app once you have dispatched the item.
What notifications do I get with the app?
You can enable and disable app notifications in the Settings section. Here is a full list of events you can enable notifications for:
- All new orders
- Paid orders
- Physical products orders
- Daily report
- Weekly report
- Monthly report
To enable or disable a notification setting, simply turn the toggle switch. A green toggle switch indicates that notifications are enabled; a grey-colored toggle switch means the notification is turned off.