Customizer Store Settings
Sellfy's Store Customizer
The store customizer allows you to design your Sellfy store so that you can create a unique look and feel that best fits your brand and products. We recommend that you add products before customizing your store so that you can see what your store looks like with your products.
Go to your Sellfy dashboard > Store settings > Customize store to access the store customizer.
Note: Check out Sellfy's themes under 'Store style' to preview your store using different templates.
General settings
The right-side window reflects the page and page content (modules) you are editing.
The first section under General settings is titled 'Store basics'. This section allows you to customize the following elements of your store:
Store name and logo
Click General settings > Store name & Logo to upload a logo image and enter your store name.
The store name is shown in the browser tab and the logo you upload in this section appears in the Navigation bar.
Browser tab icon
Click on 'Upload image' to add a favicon for your store. We recommend using 48x48px images.
The favicon appears next to the store name in the browser tab.
Below 'Store basics', you'll find additional store features for customization.
Shopping cart
Enable the Shopping cart feature to allow customers to purchase multiple items in a single order. The 'Add to cart' button lets them collect items in their basket while they browse your store. Or, they can press 'Checkout' to proceed to the checkout page and purchase a single item.
Note: If the product uses Custom fields, Variants, or has the PWYW option enabled, customers are directed to the single product page first.
Store search
Store search helps your customers find products in your store using keywords.
Store log-in (Buyer accounts)
When you enable Store log-in, customers can create a Buyer account through your storefront. They can review order details, access previous purchases, re-download files, and manage subscription purchases. Read here for more details.
Hide "Powered by Sellfy"
Use this feature to hide 'Powered by Sellfy' at the bottom of store pages and the checkout page. The feature is available with the Business and Premium plan.
Show breadcrumbs
Breadcrumbs are a little navigation trail that shows where you are on a website. Enabling breadcrumbs means you can add a page that customers can easily navigate back to, i.e. the Home page. See below:
Note: Breadcrumbs are available if you enable the Categories menu in the 'Products grid' module.
Captcha provider
If you receive spam/bot messages through your store contact form, we recommend using hCaptcha for higher security. Read here for more details.
Custom code (Header / Footer)
Use the header and footer code section to add custom code to all store pages. Here are some examples of what you can do using custom code:
- Embed a third-party chat
- Embed a SoundCloud playlist
- Track a marketing campaign (Google Analytics)
- Tracking Facebook Ads (Facebook Pixel code)
- Track pages using a Pinterest tag
Below is an example of a cookie policy that was added using the footer code.
Here is a seller who uses custom code for embedding a chat option on their storefront.
Important! The Custom code feature is not available during the trial period.
Store style
Store style settings are located below General settings. Here, you can customize the following elements of your store:
Store themes
We offer a number of different themes to use as a foundation for your store. You can preview a theme by selecting it in the store customizer before pressing 'Publish' to apply it to your store publicly.
Themes can be customized.
Store basics
Use this section to select a store width, add a background image and customize corners of any elements in your store that have 'Show container' enabled, i.e. the Buy now button.
Button styles
Change the button color, text and corner radius for Buy now / Add to cart buttons.
This section lets you select a text and heading font and adjust the base font size.
Want to use a Custom font? Read here for more details.