Customizing Store Pages

Sellfy's Store Customizer

Store Pages

How to navigate store pages

Built-in pages

Custom pages

Adding pages

Removing pages

Ideas for additional store pages

Creating a unique landing page

Creating a banner

TIPS for creating a great customer experience


Sellfy's Store Customizer

The store customizer allows you to design your Sellfy store so that you can create a unique look and feel that best fits your brand and products. We recommend that you add products before customizing your store so that you can see what your store looks like with your products.

Go to your Sellfy dashboard > Store settings > Customize store to access the store customizer.

Note: Check out Sellfy's themes under 'Store style' to preview your store using different templates.

Store Pages

Your store is made up of store pages that contain page content (modules). Store pages allow you to add information and depth to your store. Other than showcasing your products, you can use store pages to tell customers more about yourself and your business.

All pages have a rich text editor, which means you can customize each page by adding:

  • Links
  • Embedded content
  • Images
  • Horizontal lines
  • <p>, <img>, <h1>, <h2> embed codes

Store pages are shown in the store menu, in line with the store logo.

There are a number of essential pages that are automatically set up for your store. You can customize existing pages, and add new pages!

You'll find two types of pages inside the Store customizer; Built-in pages and Custom pages.

How to navigate store pages

The left-hand menu of the customizer allows you to navigate store pages, add/remove modules and enable/disable store features.

The right-side window reflects the page on and page content you are editing. Select the page you want to customize in the left-side menu and click the section you want to edit inside the window (right). Then, use the menu bar (left) to customize the content. You'll see the edits you make in real time.

See below for an example:

Built-in pages

Built-in pages make up the five foundational pages of your store and are set up automatically.

  1. Home
  2. Product
  3. Category
  4. Checkout
  5. Purchase Confirmation

Built-in pages are customizable and cannot be deleted because they are essential to your store functioning properly. 

Note: All built-in pages, custom pages and any new pages you create contain the Navigation and Footer.

Home page

The default setup of the home page includes a Hero block, Products grid, and Newsletter form module.

To customize this page, edit the modules or add /remove page content (modules).

For example, you may want your Home page to be a dedicated landing page for your brand story and exclude products from this page. To do this, you would remove the 'Products grid' module and add other modules instead (optional). See the Landing page section for more details.

Product page

The Product page is where you customize what a single product page looks like in your store. You can add a container for the product card, edit the text color, and add other modules.

Note: We use a placeholder product for the single product page. In your store, customers will only see your products.

Category page

If you use Product categories, they are displayed at the top of the Products grid as a separate menu. Customers can click on categories to explore products assigned to each category.

You may want to customize the look and feel of the Category page and/or the way how products are displayed. The edits you make in the Category page settings are applied to all the category pages

Checkout page

The Checkout page is where your customers enter their payment information to finalize a purchase. You can enable/disable different features for this page and further customize the page by adding modules.

Checkout features:

  • Enable newsletter subscription - collect newsletter subscribers to send them marketing campaigns, product updates, news, etc. If you're enabling this feature, make sure to comply with GDPR.

Note: If a customer didn't opt-in to receive your newsletters, they won't be included in your email marketing list on Sellfy, even if they bought a product.

  • Enable B2B checkout (available with the Business and Premium plans) - allow customers to enter a VAT/TAX ID to waive taxes when making a purchase. This is useful for those customers that have a business. If you don't have businesses purchasing from you, you can disable the feature.
  • Mandatory T&C agreement - require customers to agree to your terms and conditions before purchase.

Important! If you don't see the option to make agreeing to T&C mandatory for your store, check that the slug of the Terms Page is /termsThe URL slug for the Terms page must be /terms to enable this function.

Purchase confirmation page

After a customer placed an order in your store, they are redirected to the Purchase confirmation page. Here, they can download the product files, request access to the order invoice and access Sellfy's help documentation to resolve download issues. 

Read here for more details about how your customers can access their digital product purchase.

In the page settings, you can change the background and text color, set a visual container for products, and add other modules! For example, you can add a Text panel to include a Thank you note, add instructions for accessing product files, or link to a feedback form. 

See this section for details about how to create a great customer experience.

Custom pages

Your store is set up with two custom pages:

  1. Contact
  2. Terms

Any additional pages you create for your store are added under Custom pages. Custom pages are completely customizable and you can add as many custom pages to your store as you like.


It's important to give customers a way to connect with you and ask questions. The Contact page includes the Contact form module and is linked in the Navigation on each of your store pages. 

You may want to customize the title of the Contact form to make it more personal.

Note: Messages sent through the Contact form are forwarded to the email address you saved under 'Contact email' in your Email settings.


The customizer includes a Terms page where you can add T&Cs for your store. The terms and conditions that you apply to your store and products are entirely up to you. You can use online tools for generating templates to work with.

If you accidentally delete this page, you can create a new one by following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to your Store Customizer
  2. Select +Add Page
  3. Choose a Title and enter /terms for the URL slug
  4. Select +Add module > Contact form
  5. Select +Add module > Text panel to add text
  6. Select Publish

Adding pages

To create a new custom page:

  1. Open the Store customizer
  2. Click +Add new page in the left-hand menu
  3. Enter the Page title, URL slug and SEO settings
  4. To add page content, use + Add module
  5. When you finished adding your content, press Publish

Note: The Navigation (top) and Footer (bottom) are added to each new page automatically. 

To edit a page later on, simply select the page in the left-hand menu and edit the page content.

Removing pages

To remove a store page, select the page in the left-hand menu > click 'More' > Delete page.

Important! Deleted pages can not be recovered! If you're unsure of whether or not you want to delete the page, you can make the page "hidden", by removing it from your Navigation.

Built-in pages cannot be deleted.

Ideas for additional store pages

We offer essential store pages to get you started with your store. But, you can always add any customized pages that suits your store and brand! 

Here are some examples of what you can do with your Pages:

  • Testimonials - You can screenshot, quote, embed, or otherwise display your customer reviews. If you're offering a workout plan or diet plan, you could even display submitted customer results of Before and After.
  • Feedback - Create a Google Form or other survey and add the link to your Store page. You can encourage your customers to participate.
  • Specific Product Explanations - If you're using the default About page to describe yourself as a creator, or your business, you can create a more specific page to talk about your products. If you're offering a subscription, it may be helpful to explain what they'll be getting each interval. Or if you deliver customized services, you could detail the process. 
  • FAQ - If you have a lot of commonly asked questions, you can help both you and your customer by creating a list of these questions with answers.
  • Download Help - If you're offering large files, a variety of file types, or if you find customers need a little extra help, you can offer some tips on a Download Help page. Feel free to view or share our content as well, read more here.
  • Blog Content - If you have a blog that you'd like customers to visit, read, and follow, try including some article links and embed some content.
  • YouTube Content - You can embed a YouTube video directly on your page or provide links to encourage customers to watch and subscribe. If you're selling e-book with recipes, you can bet your customers will want to follow your cooking on YouTube!

Creating a unique landing page

With the customizer, it's easy to create a unique landing page for your store. There are different ways to create a landing page, depending on what you want customers to see and experience when visiting your store.

To give the Home page the look and feel of a landing page, you may exclude products from the page and add a Hero block and Newsletter form, for instance. Or, you can choose to add more modules, such as a Text panel, or additional Hero blocks with linked buttons.

Here is an example of a landing page with several Hero blocks containing images and linked buttons. You can link buttons to other pages in your store or add external pages like your Youtube channel, for example.

You can also apply a pre-designed template to your store that already includes a Landing page. To try out different themes for your store, open the Store Customizer > General settings > Browse themes.

Creating a banner

You might want to create a banner for your store to make an announcement, advertising a store sale, a special discount, or anything else you want to draw your customer's attention to.

The Text module is a great way to create a simple yet effective banner that can be placed on any store page.

See the video below:

There are many ways to customize your banner. For example, instead of a background color, you can upload a background image, use bold or italic text, emojis, embed a GIF or video using the source code function, and much more.

TIPS for creating a great customer experience

To create a great customer experience, you can include additional information and instructions for how your customers can download, access and use the product they bought from you.

Certain file formats such as .rar, .zip, .dmg and others, may cause difficulties for some customers if they're unfamiliar with them. These customers may benefit from additional information about how to download and access such file formats with a desktop or mobile device.

The Purchase email and Purchase confirmation page are great places to share this information with your customers. You can also direct customers to Sellfy's Help section to help trouble shoot download issues.

The instructions we provide are general recommendations to help resolve download issues. However, to provide the best experience for your customers, it's helpful to include details specific to your product. You may want to add a Contact form module to the Confirmation Page so customers can contact you directly with product-specific inquiries. Another great option is to add a Text module with specific instructions or the Embed module if you can provide an instructional video. 


Q: Can I delete a product module that I have duplicated on other pages without affecting the duplicated product modules on other pages?

A: Yes! You can safely delete a module even if it has been duplicated on other store pages.

Q: Can I embed a video or audio file on a Page?

A: Yes! You can embed iframes like YouTube, Vimeo or SoundCloud in your embed module or in the text editor of a text module.

Q: Can I remove the 'Powered by Sellfy' logo?

A: Yes, if you have a Business or Premium subscription, you can enable the white label solution by turning the toggle switch Show Sellfy branding off at the bottom in the General settings sections.

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